Engage and empower enterprises at any level of ML adoption maturity

ONPASSIVE offers an end-to-end platform that democratizes AI, enabling every employee and customer with modern AI technology and easy-to-use apps.

Supervised Learning

The principal task of Supervised Learning is to deep dive into the labelled training data.

Unsupervised Learning

To depict the concealed structure without delving into the labelled training data.

Reinforcement Learning

A robot is a PC program that associates with a dynamic environment to accomplish a specific goal.

Simplify complex risks with self-learning algorithms

Reimagine Algorithm for All

Empower And Engage Your Data Science Platform By Collaborating Effectively With Data Architects And Business Team To Build And Ceaselessly Improve Machine Learning Models With Appropriate Governance Set Up In Place.

We have ample experience and involvement in standard professional services

ONPASSIVE endeavours to attract the best worldwide ability focused on research brilliance in deep learning and machine learning.

Developing solutions that evolve with challenges

Every product that is built and envisioned depends on simplifying and bettering every task that we do now. As the science of Machine Learning develops further, our products will evolve and develop offering better highlights.

Improving Business Analytics
Customized AI solutions
Best in class solutions