
Key Features of O-Net

O-Net has evolved with advanced AI technology to fit users' requirements and attract new ones. Step up your social network with an excellent platform offering customizable features to enhance every experience.

News Feed and Timeline

Meaningful discussions and high-quality content sharing


Messages and inbox

Notifications and groups

Events and Marketplace

FAQ Looking For Something Else?

Here are some of the most-requested sources for information.

To upload a video:

  • Click and choose a video.
  • Select your audience, then click Ok.
  • We will process your video and know when it is ready for viewing.

To upload a photo:

  • Select the photos you want to upload and click Open.
  • Tag people by hovering over the photo, selecting Tag, and typing their names.
  • The photo appears on their news feed and appears to their friends or only to your mutual friends, depending on the privacy preferences you have selected.
  • Edit the photo, if you want to, by hovering over the photo and clicking the Edit button.
  • Choose your audience and click Share. Select Public if you want anyone to see the photo. Otherwise, you can select Friends or specific people to see the photo or select people who cannot see the photo. (Note that whatever audience setting you to choose becomes the default setting for the next time you upload a photo)

  • Navigate to the project’s Photos tool.
  • Click the photo you want to add a comment.
  • Click the information (i) icon if it is not selected.
  • Expand the ‘Comments’ section at the bottom of the Information section.
  • Enter your comment in the text box that appears.
  • Note: You can also mention someone in a Photo Comment.
  • Click the Send arrow icon.

  • Click the search bar in the top left of any O-Net page.
  • Type User’s name into the search bar and click.
  • To send someone a request, click next to their profile picture. (Some people might not have next to their profile picture, depending on their privacy settings).

  • Tap the Globe
  • The icon is located at the bottom of your screen and has text under it that reads “Notifications”.
  • This will open a list of your notifications.
  • There are 3 icons on the bottom bar with red indicators if you have unread information.