• You agree that you will only use this service platform (website) in the good faith and will not provide false or misleading information about yourself. You agree that you will not do anything to throttle, engineer a denial of service, or in any other manner impair the performance or functionality of our website. You agree that you will not tamper with, reverse- engineer or otherwise use the website for any purpose for which is not intended including, but not limited to accessing information about registered user store/shared/mention in our website, identifying or attempting to identify other registered user or gaining or attempting to gain access to the cloud database of the service.
  • ONPASSIVE has offered various services/tools/facilities to the Founder/Customer and Founder/Customer has accepted the terms and conditions of the ONPASSIVE. Founder/Customer will have access to the Confidential and Proprietary Information of the ONPASSIVE after read and accepts the term of use. The use of Confidential Information by the FOUNDER/CUSTOMER shall be treated in Confidence.
  • ONPASSIVE Confidential Information, Proprietary Information, Invention, Patents, Copyrights, Trademark and other Intellectual Property Rights are important assets of the ONPASSIVE.
  • ONPASSIVE Confidential Information, shall also mean any and all information available to ONPASSIVE and which is not available in a published form at the Effective Date, including, but not limited to, research ideas, research results, research directions, patents, patent applications, and patent ideas, trade secrets, business models, business forecasts, marketing strategies, financial data, customer lists, investors, contractual relationships, manufacturing proprietary information and documentation, ideas, schematics, sketches, models, know-how, marketing campaigns algorithms, processes, formulae whether or not specifically stated or define in subsequent paragraphs.
  • It is Important for the ONPASSIVE to protect Its Intellectual Property, Confidential and Proprietary Information to the fullest extent and the FOUNDER/CUSTOMER is willing to comply with following provisions, as part of the Founder/Customer’s contract of service/facility with ONPASSIVE.
  • The Term of use shall be binding in the principle as below; the binding effects of the Term of use shall not be affected by length of service/facilities between the parties, the reason for terminating the service/facilities relationship between parties and amount of the FOUNDER/CUSTOMER’s payment paid by ONPASSIVE. The FOUNDER/CUSTOMER shall be liable to his/her obligations under the Term of use after the termination of the Services/facilities for whichever reasons.
  • No Waiver of breach, failure of condition, or any right or remedy contained in or granted by the provision of this Term of use shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the party waiving the breach, failure, right or remedy. No waiver by the ONPASSIVE of any breach, failure, right or remedy shall be deemed a waiver of any other breach, failure, right or remedy, whether or not similar, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver unless the writing so specifies.
  • The Term of use and all of its exhibits constitutes the entire Term of use agreed upon and by the parties and supersedes all prior oral or written negotiations, representations or Term of uses reached by the Parties relating to the subject matter of this Term of use.
  • If a Court of Competent jurisdiction holds any provision of this Term of use to be illegal, unenforceable or invalid in whole or in part for any reason, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions or portion of them, shall not be affected.
  • If a Court of Competent jurisdiction holds any provision of this Term of use to be illegal, unenforceable or invalid in whole or in part for any reason, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions or portion of them, shall not be affected.
  • ONPASSIVE have legal right to change, modifies, amend, addendum any clause of this Term of use without any prior approval.

Prohibition to Use

Except for the express written consent of ONPASSIVE, FOUNDER/CUSTOMER agrees:

Not to use or disclose to another person or entity any confidential information of ONPASSIVE.

  • Not to make, or cause to be made, any copies, facsimiles or other reproductions including data files of any documents containing confidential information of ONPASSIVE; and
  • To use all other reasonable means to maintain the secrecy and confidentiality of the confidential information of ONPASSIVE.
  • Data of or about the ONPASSIVE or its vendors, customers, Founder/Customers, advisors, mentors, service providers or consultants, in particular, contact information and sales information.
  • data about ONPASSIVE’s compliance with applicable law including data about licenses, permissions, approvals, permissions or consents applied for, requested by, granted to or denied to the ONPASSIVE or its promoters.
  • Data about all filings and official submissions made by the ONPASSIVE to governmental authorities and the content of the discussion and communication by the ONPASSIVE with such authorities
  • Data related to the ONPASSIVE’s business, its existing and upcoming products, services, business strategy, Marketing Campaigns details, terms of engagement with its vendors or customers, pricing data, payment and refund policies and plan, business plans, users/founders/customers data, policies and plans which directly and indirectly related to the ONPASSIVE.
  • Any data, documents, sketches, designs, plans, drawings, photographs, reports, communication, technical information, information about Intellectual Property Rights, user information, compilation, subscription details, asset information, know-how, research and development, internal policies.
  • Any information related to the ONPASSIVE’s technology, software, hardware, code, design, business strategy, business plan, internal systems, and business architecture.
  • Financial data, in particular, concerning budgets, fees and revenue calculations, sales figures, bonus plans, financial statements, profit expectations and inventories of the ONPASSIVE.
  • Training data, particularly documents, videos, webinars, photographs, website data, processes, multimedia files, presentations and any such training resources that the Founder/Customer gains access to during his association with the ONPASSIVE.
  • Security information (including passwords, login credentials) used to access any resource owned or operated by the ONPASSIVE, its affiliates, clients or third-party agents.

    Client or user data, user credits, user analytics, user preferences, feedback information;

    • Any information which may be reasonably understood by its nature, or by the context of its disclosure, to be confidential; and
    • Any information derived from any of the above-mentioned information; and
    • Original information supplied by the ONPASSIVE or information provided to the ONPASSIVE by third parties which the ONPASSIVE is obligated to keep confidential.
  • Prohibition of postings about other companies or other business opportunities or programs, including their links.
  • Prohibition of sharing posting and comment that reflects a race, sex, cast, religion, political agenda, team competition and cross-recruiting as well.
  • Prohibition of vigorous and impassioned sharing of ideas, negative languages, webinar/videos/community/data of the ONPASSIVE.
  • Participate in constructive online dialogues and use our best judgment when posting to external or internal social media.


  • The Founder/Customer agrees and acknowledges that during the term of this act with the ONPASSIVE the Founder/Customer shall have access to Confidential Information through oral, visual, electronic or written means.
  • The Founder/Customer understands and acknowledges that the Confidential Information is of immense value to the ONPASSIVE and its Affiliates and/or its present, past or prospective clients. The Founder/Customer understands that any use or disclosure of such Confidential Information including any inadvertent disclosure can cause immense and irreparable harm, loss, damage and injury to the ONPASSIVE and its Affiliates and its reputation and hence undertakes to keep such Confidential Information confidential.
  • The Founder/Customer agrees and undertakes that at all times during the term of this Term of use and thereafter on termination of this Term of use for whatever reason to hold in the strictest confidence, and not to use, except for the benefit of the ONPASSIVE and its Affiliates, and absolutely refrain from in any manner divulging, discussing, disclosing, or otherwise releasing, the Confidential Information to any third party or in any manner directly or indirectly using the Confidential Information without the written authorization of the ONPASSIVE.
  • The Founder/Customer recognizes that the ONPASSIVE and its Affiliates have received and, in the future, will receive from third parties, information that would be confidential and proprietary in nature to such third parties, during the term of use.

Payment Policy

Founder/Customer shall eligible for our various service/facilities after making valid/authorized payment (through the modes as explained/mentioned in our website). Payment policies and structure are defined by ONPASSIVE at its sole discretion and it will change periodically as per business strategies and plans (as required).